Mountain View
Meet Clyde, Long haired part Maine Coon (LESLEY is his human)



Note: the ‘Validation’ process in Faye’s sessions is evidence that Faye is genuinely communicating with the animal. She knows nothing about the animal except breed and age – and only has a photo to refer to.

• Shift in temperament:
– EARLY YEARS: Sweet natured, regal, quiet in his movement, liked interaction with people
– NOW: Irritable, doesn’t have the energy he used to have
• Hesitant with people and a pulling back of affection
• A cranky human male around Clyde is not as compassionate as Lesley, and is a bit like: “Oh, I don’t know what the hell’s wrong with him”
• The feeling he gives me is that he is old and disinterested in life

(Lesley confirmed the above)


Can you tell me why he’s not eating? He’s been to the vet lately but they don’t know why he’s not eating. I’m just worried about him. Clyde is not himself.


Clyde is feeling his age but he worries more about you, Lesley. He is deeply concerned for your safety around the possibility of you going into hospital, or leaving. Daisy (another cat in the household) also worries about the same issue. She’s quite different to Clyde, very alert and reactive to things (much of her skin irritation is to do with anxiety). There is a younger male that comes to the house and Clyde isn’t too fond of him either. Clyde feels particularly anxious when you leave. He knows he can hide but he’s wonders what will happen if he’s sick and there’s no one to help him.

Clyde doesn’t know what he wants to eat. He just doesn’t have the taste for food these days. He gives me the feeling that his teeth and gums make it hard to chew. You can give him soft foods but some of that just makes him squeamish. He’s at a stage where he’ll just pick at food rather than eat the entire dish unless it’s what he feels like at the time. He gives me the feeling to try milk, yogurt, full fat. The feeling he gives me is just like us when we “just don’t feel too well, we don’t know what we want to eat” so just try small bits and pieces.

Clyde is wanting more water. Animals can self-medicate, given the opportunity. The water you mentioned, with the magnesium etc., may be too much for him now. Whereas the rain water seems to be what he’s after. Perhaps use the rainwater in his bowl. It’s going to be trial and error with Clyde right now.

Clyde is nervous about going to the Vet, kind of like small children when they don’t want to go to the doctor. When you take him beyond the house, he wonders “Am I going to the vet?? Where are we going??” If other people come into the house – and if he doesn’t get a sense that they are okay – he will hide from them. He worries about what they are going to do. ”Will they take me away?” he wonders. Neither Clyde or Daisy will run away.
***** Faye is not suggesting you don’t take him to the Vet, it’s just explaining how Clyde is feeling about it.

He’s getting a bit of a ‘foggy brain’, slow to react now. Daisy helps him and will be there for him. This foggy brain feeling makes Clyde feel a bit out of control, like he felt when going under anaesthetic. It’s not a comfortable feeling to him.

When it’s his ‘time to go’ he will go and hide. But remember, that can change. If things got really bad for him, he might change his mind (Faye offers to check in with Clyde on Lesley’s behalf if this happens in the future).


• Try feeding him small amounts of milk or anything he’ll eat and keep down
• Prefers rainwater to drink, and more of it
• Will hide and not come out when it’s ‘time to go’


Lesley: “I feel a great relief to know what Clyde wants around his time to go, that he’ll take himself off and hide. That gives me more peace around how to handle things when he’s ready to go. After the session I tried Clyde with some organic milk. He loved it, took a couple of saucers and seemed fine after that. Felt good that he actually ate something and kept it down.”

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